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2006 |
This photo of Peter I was taken in 1987 by Trond Eiken of the
Norwegian Polar Institute (NPI). This is a head-on view of
Eva Odden (Cape Eva) and Radiosletta (Radio Plains), with
Lars Christensentoppen (Mt. Lars Christensen) in the background.
(We added the antenna at our proposed campsite).
Click HERE to see the history of Flag #176.
Click HERE for our latest press release
Last updated: May 9, 2006
Our 3YØX DXpedition was honored to carry The Explorers Club Flag #176 to Peter I Island!
Click HERE to read all about it!
A trip of this magnitude (and this will be the most costly DXpedition in history) requires (aside from $$$) individuals eager for this kind of adventure. No hotels on Peter I!
As well as being excellent radio operators, qualifications for this trip include the ability to be gone from home for up to five weeks and physical conditioning suitable to building a "city" on a glacier and living and working in tents in below freezing temperatures. Not surprisingly, not everyone wanted to go!
Here's the team (you can click the link beneath each photo to read a short biography of the team member):
Non-Ham Team Member
Click on any of the links below to follow our progress:
May 9, 2006
at the Asia Pacific DX Convention, Nov. 18-20 in Japan!
Click HERE to read an excellent article about the DXpedition from www.radioamator.ro in Romania (you'll need Romanian language skills!)
Check to see if you're in the log -- on-line!
Thanks to our great Contributors!
What's a DXpedition?
Tell me about Peter I Island
Prior DXpeditions to Peter I Island
Who's going?
Ralph, KØIR
Bob, K4UEE
Traveled Man
As you might guess, getting everything and everyone together for a project this size is a logistical nightmare. When we go (early in 2006) we'll have been working on this for more than THREE years!
Getting there (and back!)
Getting Ready To Go!
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Team members backing us up from home
Logisitics ManagerDave, K4SSU has worked tirelessly getting everything packed, unpacked, catalogued, moved and shipped for the DXpedition; thanks, Dave!
![]() Dave, K4SSU
Here you can see pictures from the beginning of planning through preparation -- and photos from Peter I (when we get there!)
Click the tiny blue graphic
This page designed and maintained by W4GKF |