Zanesville High School, Class of 1964
Last Names starting with "H"
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Cheryl Ann Hall
Marjorie Hambel
David Lee Hammer
Gerald Joseph Hanks
James Phillip Hardcastle
Thomas Harding
Charles William Harkins
Wilda Jolene Harlan
Berney Harmon
Deborah Ann Harris
Donna Marie Harris
Joan Elane Harris
Judith Kaye Harry
Andrew Hartsook
Lorna Arlene Harvey
Ellana Lynn Hawkins
Donald Eugene Hayes
Robert Earl Haynes
Larry Everett Hayth
Allen Hearing
Robert Lee Henderson
Jo Anne Hepburn
Rodney James Herold
Jane Ellen Hickman
John Patrick Hiebel
John Owen Hill
Tacey Elizabeth Hill
William Wayne Hill
Joyce Gerald Hinds
Gayle Elaine Hinz
Elaine Leslie Hock
Carol Holbert
Patricia Carol Holdren
Larry Leigh Hollingshead
Janice Gay Hooper
Jeff Hooper
Sue Carol Hoosan
Janice Kay Howard
Jerry Lee Howell
Kathleen Hope Howell
Danny Elliot Hupp
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