Ellie Arnold
Then: Eleanore Schmeltz
Taught English at ZHS, 1961-1964; then another five years at Kent and Reavnna, OH. Stopped teaching when she became a stay-at-home mom with the infant adoption of her daughter Callie.
Hobbies: Nothing particularly unusual because I tend to work a lot. Free time is spent doing usual household chores. Love to read, of course, as time permits.
Other interests and accomplishments: Again, nothing particularly unusual. I have two Tonkinese kitties that I enjoy and have a passion for OSU football!
Teaching at ZHS certainly ranks as one of my most memorable experiences. I so enjoyed every class and all of my students and feel honored that so many of you still remember me!
Spouse: Widowed in 2001
Phone: 614 436 7974
Address: 8430 Nuthatch Way, W
City, State, Zip: Worthington, OH 43235
Occupation: Golly, how I wish I were retired!! I dropped out of teaching when I later returned to the work force because my provisional license had expired and began a second career in the HUD subsidized multifamily property management field. I currently work as a dept head for a global IT company that functions as HUD's Contract Administrator for some of HUD's multifamily housing assistance property management responsibilities and will probably continue doing this work for another five or so years.
Number of children: 4
Number of grandchildren: 2