Installing W2WG's MonstIR Antenna
Marietta, Georgia
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In truth, I was only peripherally involved in Bob's installation; mostly just photography and beer drinking.
Here's the happy owner, Bob, W2WG:

.. to do the heavy lifting. And, as usual, Dave K4SSU was the climbing dude with Jim K4DLI as the SteppIR expert:

Jim, K4DLI

Dave, K4SSU
Here's the rest of the crew and onlookers:

Bob, K4UEE

Bill, N4NX

Winston, WA4PBW
When I got there, the only thing left to do was to add the top two sections of the tower and install the MonstIR. The guys had assembled the last two sections including the rotor and mast. The crane operator picked up the assembly while Dave scrambled up the tower:

Once at the top, it took only a little jiggling and maneuvering by Dave and the crane operator to get the tower sections mated and locked down:

The MonstIR had been assembled and set on sawhorses in the backyard next to the tower:

Attaching the crane ball to a good balance point and up she goes:

This shot taken by Jim K4DLI from the crane basket!
You can see the story of my SteppIR 3El installation by clicking HERE.
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