Installing K4KAL's SteppIR 3el Antenna
Marietta, Georgia
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Keith, K4KAL
.. rented a small bucket crane to handle the installation of his 3El SteppIR. His tower nests to about 23' so the small crane worked well:

Keith had his buddy Mark WØNCL come South from Iowa to do the heavy lifting. Bill N4NX and I just dropped by to take pictures:

Bill, N4NX |

Chaz, W4GKF |
Keith had assembled the EHUs to the boom, cabled it all and checked it before we got there:

Keith's buddy took the boom assembly up with the lift:

Before the ESTs were attached, we noticed that SteppIR now has their name on 'em:
The next step was to attach the ESTs to the EHUs. This is pretty easy to do with the bucket crane!

When it was all done and checked out, Keith is one happy young man:

Left to right: Keith K4KAL, Bill N4NX, Mark WØNCL
You can see the story of my SteppIR 3El installation by clicking HERE.
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