Installing K4DLI's SteppIR 4el Antenna
Marietta, Georgia
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Jim has the first 4el SteppIR I've seen. And, since Jim is an expert in "all things antenna", I knew his installation would go well. Here's Jim:

Here's his home with the tower visible over the house:

Today's crew consisted of:
 Dave, K4SSU |
 Don, N4HH |
 Bob, W2WG |
 Chaz, W4GKF |
The antenna was assembled on sawhorses in the front yard:

The SteppIR is going to be a few feet below Jim's 40M rotatable dipole:

The plan was to slide it up a combination of guy wires and ropes secured in the front yard, over the house to the tower.

It's UP!
You can see the story of my SteppIR 3El installation by clicking HERE.
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