Integrating the SteppIR into the station
I use DX4Win for logging and I'd interfaced it to my ICOM-756ProIII so that when I clicked on an impending QSO the software tuned the rig to the proper band, frequeny and mode automatically.
With the addition of the SteppIR, I wanted the info from the computer to automatically set the proper band and element lengths, too. Turned out to be really easy.
The ICOM uses a device called the CT-17:

... to allow sharing of info provided by the computer to the rig -- and it has multiple ports. The ICOM sharing cable from SteppIR plugged right into the CT-17 and into the SteppIR controller. On the very first try, it worked! Now, when I get a spot in DX4Win via the VE7CC AR Cluster, the rig tunes to the right place and the SteppIR sets itself up perfectly. All I have to do is to turn the rotor and go!
Yes, I said earlier that I bought the proper Yaesu rotor that can be remotely controlled. At this writing, I've not invested in the control board to permit the rotor to turn to the proper heading based on the spot. I may do that in the future; you never know.
Several have asked me about how I integrated ARCluster so perfectly with DX4WIN. I wrote a paper describing the procedure and you can get it HERE.
Seven years later and I'm still loving my SteppIR!
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