Integrating VE7CC CC user with DX4WIN
This paper is the result of a lot of research and stullifying dead ends in trying to do what should be a simple thing.
I wanted to create a set of filters that matched exactly my operating parameters and the DXCC entities that I need -- and have DX4WIN show ONLY those spots. In other words, I operate only SSB on 80-10M and am not (presently) interested in CW spots, RTTY spots, VHF spots and so forth. Further, I don't want spots posted by stations far away from Atlanta GA where I live; I respect the god of propagation!
I experimented with three of the six current cluster protocols out there and found that the one that did exactly what I wanted was VE7CC CC User. You can download it (free) HERE.
This is a feature-rich program and can be complex to set up. I wrote the paper linked below try to help the uninitiated find their way through the process and link it into DX4WIN. There's a magic word (revealed in the paper) that makes this work exactly the way I (and perhaps, you) want it to work.
The paper is a work-in-process; if you find typos or other errors or have suggestions for improvement, I'd love to hear from you. Click
to email me.
OK; click HERE to download the paper; enjoy!
Note: The current version is 1.4; if you have an older version, please download the latest.

Chaz W4GKF