Not much new to show today.
The plates have been attached to
the top of the foundation wall
preparing for the floor joists.
I'm especially fond of the soft
drink cans stuck on top of the
exposed re-bar; I'm told this is
so that no one will get stuck on
one of those. |
And here is the stack of joist
materials ready to be installed on
These are the suckers that would
have been 5' too short if we'd
waited to decide to move that
wall one more day... |
Announcing a new viewpoint!
All y'gotta do is get the upstairs
bathroom window unstuck, remove
the screen, lean 'way out and:
you get a bird's-eye view of the
family room as it goes up. The
cinder-block pier supports the
beam that, in turn, will support
the floor joists. |
And, by turning right a few degrees
you get an excellent (and final
until the tower is delivered) view
of the tower pad. |