Confirming your QSOs
with 3YØX

Note: You might find this information useful:
CQ Zone = 12 ITU Zone = 72 IOTA = AN004 Grid Square = EC41qd

    The Peter I Team would like to extend special thanks to our great
    QSL Team for all their hard work now and in the months to come!

    Bob N2OO

    Bob K2RET
    Jim K2SZ
    Dan KA2BMI
    Lance KA2NZB
    Joan KB2EVF
    Randy KC2COB
    Beth KF2BQ
    Bob N2HM
    Bob N2NF
    John N3JM
    Bob W2ARP
    Ed W2KP
    Arnie W2OB
    Steve W2USF
    Woody WA2KWW
    Dave WA2TVS
    Joe Stavitz
    Debbie Maffucci

      Also special thanks to Bob Wick N2HM and local non-profit community FM Broadcast Station WYRS for providing us with a comfortable facility for the QSL operation.

As of 3/26/2006 we have twenty (20!) tubs of QSLs received for 3YØX, CEØZ and XR9A!
We have a lot of fun with the EASY Button; it really does help!
Left to Right: Back row (standing): Bob K2RET, Bob N2NF; Arnie W2OB
Front row (seated): Beth KF2BQ, Bob N2OO, Ed W2KP

Some of the 3YØX QSL Team at work!
Left to right: Bob N2NF, Randy KC2COB (with hat), Bob N2OO, Bob K2RET

Jim K2SZ and Arnie W2OB

Bob K2RET and Lance KA2NZB

Five Bobs!
Standing: N2HM, N2OO
Seated: K2RET, W2ARP, N2NF

John N3JM and Jim K2SZ --Jim broke his ankle
(note the crutches), but that hasn't kept
him away from the QSLs!

Debbie Maffucci

(You may click to email Randy)

Randy is the fellow who designed our terrific LOGO and our several QSL cards including the beautiful "3YØX Souvenir QSL".

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