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DXpedition Pilots (and other Team members) |
Don, age 51, lives in Duxbury, Massachusetts
Don was first licensed in 1961. He has held DXCC Top of the Honor Roll and now only needs BS7. Previous operations include over a dozen dxpeditions as A61AD, /KH9, /VP9, /VS6, /BV2, /4X and /9V. Active contester and member of YCCC. Formerly the ham known as WB2DND. Member of FOC.
An accomplished musician with mulitple television appearances and records, Don has been moonlighting as a Tubist with local symphonies.
DL1XX - Klaus Wagner
Klaus, age 32, lives near Heidelberg. He was first licensed in 1992 and his main interests are DXing and the support of DX.
Klaus was the founder of the German DX Foundation back in 1996.
Previous pilot duties include: A52A, K5K (Kingman Reef) and XR0X (San Felix Island).
Toshi, age 62, lives in downtown Tokyo.
Toshi was first licensed in 1960. He confirmed three famous awards, 5BDXCC, 5BWAZ, and 5BWAS, first in Japan. Previous DX operations are 3B8/JA1ELY, 3B9/3B8DL, 4S7TK, 8Q7BA, D68TK, FH/JA1ELY, FO0ELY, S79J and V73EY. He is the founder of FIVE-NINE MAGAZINE and the sponsor of JAPAN INTERNATIONAL DX CONTEST.
Previous Pilot duties include: A52A, PW0T, TO4E and T33C.
ZL2AL - Lee Jennings
I live in Hastings on the East coast of the North Island of New Zealand about 10km in from the blue Pacific Ocean although I grew up in Toronto Canada. I am 67 years old and retired with a background in electronics and teaching.
The equipment at ZL2AL currently consists of Yaesu FT1000D, FT900, FT102, Kenwood TL922 and Dentron Clipperton-L amplifiers, Icom 251A for VHF. Antennas include a TH6DXX for HF and Slopers, Loops and Dipoles for LF. I just love DXing and helping other guys work the rare ones! 5BDXCC, 5BWAZ, 5BWAS, IOTA, WAVE, WAA, WAJA, DUF-4 and A-1 Op certificates hang on the wall and I am only a few away from Honor Roll. I run the local packet cluster node. Vintage gear includes a Collins 75A4 and a Johnson Ranger. I work both SSB and CW I have been a ham since 1953 and was the leader of DXpeditions to ZL7AA-ZM7A in 1993 and 1997, a team member of ZL8RI DXpedition in May 1996 and co-leader of the ZL9CI Campbell Island DXpedition in January 1999.
Ham radio is the greatest hobby in the world! The worst day of Dxing is infinitely better than the best day working!
Lee, ZL2AL
W7GJ - Lance Collister
As you can see from my website, I am involved primarily in 2m and 6m weak signal DXing and EME. I am most interested in working new DXCC on 2m and 6m. Over 1/3 of my total DXCC contacts on 6m have been made by using EME. If you have JT65 mode, and are active on 6m, I would probably be interested in running a schedule with you when the moon is on your horizon! I have completed with a number of single yagi stations on both 2m and 6m EME. The antennas here are 16x17 elements (2m) and 4x9 elements (6m). Both these arrays are on full az/el mounts, so I can accomodate other stations when the moon is on their horizon. MNI TNX, and I hope to CU off the moon!
Lance, W7GJ
Dave is retired from the "Heavy Crane & Rigging" business after 40 years of moving and installing power transformers up to 500 tons and many other large and heavy industrial items. He became a ham in 1975 and is Extra Class. He is a member and past president of The Southeastern DX Club. He is on the DXCC Honor Roll and has operated from several DXCC entities including Navassa Island - KP1.
Dave has installed more than 50 towers and antennas for hams in the Atlanta, GA area and at age 72 is still doing tower work. He builds and installs his own monoband Yagi's and has five towers at his QTH in Cumming, GA.
He and his wife Gayle have been married for 43 years and have one son, Dave Jr. and two grandchildren, Sidney age 5 and Jay age 2.
N2OO - Bob Schenck
I was first licensed as WN2RJJ in 1965. My first QSO's came during the Novice Roundup. I was immediately indoctrinated into contesting! Soon after, I upgraded (WB2RJJ) and found myself chasing states and countries. Upgraded to Extra in 1976 and became N2OO shortly thereafter.
I am an avid DXer, Dxpeditioner, QSL Manager and Contester.
I have always tried to take the time to be an active organizer and supporter of the local amateur radio clubs in my area.
My keen interest in DXpeditions started with my involvement with the 1S1DX DXpedition of 1979. Our 38 foot ketch was fired upon by mortar rounds as we approached Amboyna Cay in the Spratly Islands. Most would think that experience would have killed my appetite for DXpeditions. But it didn't. I have been on some 37 DX and IOTA DXpeditions over the years, including 2 operations from Spratly and several from Brunei (V85OO) and Sabah (9M6OO-9M6AAC). A list of all my DXpeditions can be found on my web page www.qsl.net/n2oo.
I am also a busy QSL Manager handling some 95 calls from over 100 operations. A complete list can also be found on my web page.
In 2001, I organized the QSL Manager's Society. This is a web-based point of contact for "quality" QSL Managers to offer their services. All members must agree to a "QSL Manager's Creed" which includes QSLing via the bureau, etc. Click the logo below to learn more:
Finally, I am also the President of the South Jersey DX Association whose membership will be providing me with 3YØX QSL support! A fine bunch of fellow DXers! See ya' in the pileups!
Bob Schenck, N2OO |
PO Box 345 |
Tuckerton NJ 08087-0345 |
W4GKF - Chaz Cone
I got my ticket as KN5AZL in 1953 at age 14. I held K5AZL and then W4GKF starting in 1958. I've just recently become re-active in ham radio after a ten-year hiatus. Bob K4UEE took me to lunch in January 2004 and asked me why I wasn't on the air. I couldn't think of a good reason (there was a 72' US Tower standing in the backyard with no antenna on it) so I bought a new SteppIR 3El antenna, dusted off my Icom 765 and Alpha 78 and got back in the game in April 2004.
Once re-hooked, Bob had no problem asking for my help with the Peter I website; I suspect that was his motive all along..
DXing is a labor of love for me; in 1972 I led a DXpedition to Navassa Island (KC4DX) so I know a tiny bit of what the Peter I team is going to experience. At least Navassa was warm!