Bob K4UEE at basecamp on Peter I

Bob N6OX having a photo minute with his friend

Dave K4SV taking a moment from repairing computers

Michael FM5CD enjoying the sun and some white stuff he says is nothing like the white sandy beaches at home.

Ralph KØIR with his favorite hat

Robert SP5XVY on a beautiful day on Peter I; we had very few

Our 3YØX mascot and George N4GRN; guess which one is George..

Russ KI4NFF having his photo taken instead of taking photos of everyone else.

DAP Mares captain Sergio

Ships Galley

Carlos NP4IW assisting in the removal of goods from the island

Lowering cargo into the hold for packing

Dining for the ship's crew

View toward the stern of the ship

Hector and Filadelfio, two of the ship's crew

A large section of an iceberg passed us today

Helicopter on its pad on the stern of the ship; Peter I in the distance.

From the ship's bow

We had to store some of our equipment in the hallway