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3YØX Operators |
Ralph Fedor, KØIR, is a diagnostic radiologist who has been licensed since 1961. He is an active DXer and contester and has "Elmer-ed" new contesters and DXers from his home QTH.
Ralph operated from South Sandwich and South Georgia as VP8SSI and VP8CBA. He was the team leader for the 1994 3YØPI from Peter I. Ralph was a part of the XRØY Easter Island team in 1995 and was a co-leader of the VKØIR operation from Heard Island. He returned to South Sandwich and South Georgia in 2002 as a member of the "Micro-Lite" DXpedition signing VP8THU and VP8GEO. He has also operated from Reunion Island, Keurguelen, and the Falklands. Ralph lives in central Minnesota and is a member of the Northern Minnesota DX Association, the Twin Cities DX Association and the Minnesota Wireless Association. He and his wife, Saundy, live in the countryside near Waite Park, Minnesota where Saundy enjoys growing flowers and Ralph grows antennas. They have four grown children and two grandchildren. K4UEE - Bob AllphinBob Allphin, K4UEE, co-leader, environmental officer, antennas, treasurer.
K4UEE has visited eighty DXCC entities and operated from forty. He has participated in twenty-five DXpeditions, including six involving "Top 10" DXCC entities, i.e. Howland Island, Heard Island, Bhutan, Kingman Reef, the South Sandwich Islands and South Georgia Island. He has been an operator on three of the top sevem DXpeditions with the highest QSO totals. In addition, Bob has the honor of having participated in five "DXpeditions of the Year".Bob is also an active contester and has been involved in twenty-two contest DXpeditions. Six of these efforts resulted in new World Records. Further evidence of this operating skill was his participation as a competitor in the 1996 and 2000 WRTC (the Amateur Radio Olympics of Contesting).
K4UEE is a member of the ARRL DX Advisory Committee (DXAC) representing the Southeastern Division, and is a member of the CQ DX hall of Fame.
But probably most important, Bob has mentored or Elmered literally dozens of DXers and DXpeditioners over the years. He has become a role model for many in the sport of DXing.
F2JD - GØSHN - Gerard F. Jacot Gerard is 56 years old, married to Maria, licensed since 1968, and loves to operate DX, SSB,CW and RTTY.He is a member of REF, Clipperton-DX Club and ARRL.
His Dxpedition experience has included, FB8XX, VKØHM, ZD8JD, F2JD/5U7, F2JD/FC, F2JD/3A, TU4AU, TR8JD, TR0AB, FY0HVL, FM0HVL, FG0HVL, FG0HVL/FS, FP/F2JD, op at BY1PK, F2JD/A6, TG9/F2JD, F2JD/J6L, F2JD/J7, J79JD, FG/F2JD, EA/F2JD, ZB2/F2JD, F2JD/HR5,1,3,6, F2JD/CE3/6/7, op at CE0ZZZ, CE0/F2JD, 5V7JG, 5Z4JD, 5Z4IOTA, HK3/G0SHN ,HK0/GØSHN, S79JD, 5R8EN, HP1XBI, HK3JBR,op at 5K8T, PY2ZDX, PYØF/PY2ZDX, FM/F2JD, DU1/6/GØSHN
Gerard, a field Engineer and site manager with Alcatel-microwave has recently retired and has plenty of time for DX, Contests…and DXpeditions. He has been in 93 DXCC countries with 20 years abroad
FM5CD - Mike Brunelle Licensed since 1967 as F6AGM. Active member of F6KAW radio club where I was introduced to contesting. December 1974 to March 1976 I participated in the 25th French Polar Expedition to Dumont Durville base as radio operator. I also operated the ham bands with the call FB8YC. I moved to Martinique in November 1979, with my wife Dominique (SK in 2000) and our two daughters and was in the construction business. I have operated as FMØFJE, FM7CD, FM5CD, TX0M (French Guyana), TO5M and TO2DX. I'm an active DXer and contester, member of REF, ARRL and life time member of the Clipperton DX Club, holder of DXCC Honor roll - 5BDXCC - 5BWAS - 5BWAZ etc... I enjoy DXing and contesting in SSB, CW and RTTY. Today, I'm 60, not retired yet, and excited about going back to Antarctica.
Hans-Peter HB9BXE is 55 years old and married to Maya. They have a daughter, Gabrila and son, Philipp. Hans-Peter is a development engineer and works for a company that manufactures electronic components. In fact, most of his amateur radio equipment is homebrew.
Licensed in 1978, he enjoys DXing and Contesting mostly on CW. He is a lifetime member in the Swiss DX Foundation (SDXF), member of USKA, HTC, and he is on DXCC Honor Roll.
Hans-Peter operated as HBØBXE ,VK4BXE, 5H1BP/AFØ32, was a member of the 1998 3B7RF Expedition, and the team leader for the 2001 3B6RF Expedition.
In 2004 he was QRV from top of Kilimanjaro, Uhuru Peak, 5895m above sea level. Probably this is the first successful DXpedition from Africa's highest mountain.
K3VN - Al Hernandez
Al is an electronics engineer with more than thirty years experience in telecommunications and electromagnetic effects. As a member of the U.S. Antarctic Research Program, Al participated in fifteen scientific expeditions and has the distinction of having crossed the "terrible" Drake Passage, off Cape Horn, eighteen times as a crew member aboard the Research Vessel HERO.
He is a US Coast Guard-licensed Radio Officer in the US Merchant Marine and a Master Scuba diver. Al is an active expeditioner, has traveled to fifty countries and, since 1992, has participated in several major DX radio expeditions including South Georgia Island (VP8SGP), South Sandwich Island (VP8SSI), Kermadec Island (ZL8RI), Bhutan (A52A), Heard Island (VKØIR) and Chatham Island (ZL7C).
In 1997, Al received the "DX-er of the Year" Award at the New Orleans International DX Convention. Al has published several DX radio expedition articles and contributed a chapter to the book "Antarctica: A New Look". During three years of active exploration in Antarctica Al activated Deception Island LU1ZC in the South Shetlands and operated from Palmer Station, South Orkney Island, King George Island, and the R/V HERO. He is a Fellow in the Explorers Club and is a member of the American Polar Society, Florida Academy of Sciences, and the American Radio Relay League.
Al has operated DX and contest stations from CE8/, LU1/, C6AHI, XX9/, VR2/, ZD8/, ZL3AH, FT5, TOØR, KG4VN (Guantanamo Bay, Cuba), HR1/, V73GI, 9N7VN, and BT1DX from China.
K4SV - Dave Anderson
Dave enjoys DXing and Contesting in that order. He has 314 countries in five years and hopes to get honor roll in four more years. DXpeditioning allows him to travel and DX all at the same time.
He is an Electronics Engineer skilled in Hardware/Software/Embedded design. First Licensed in 1974 at age 17, (WA6BWW) Dave is now an Extra Class Licensee. His other calls include: A52DA - Bhutan, T2DA - Tuvalu, 3D2CW - Fiji, ZL4DA - New Zealand and 7P8DA - Lesotho.
DXpeditions include: A5ØA - Kingdom of Bhutan Contest DXpedition, A52DA - Kingdom of Bhutan, VP5/KW4DA - Turks & Caicos 2000, 2002, T2DA - Tuvalu, 3D2CW- Fiji, K1B - Baker Island, ZL7C - Chatham Islands, 7P8DA - Lesotho, and 3DA0SV - Swaziland.
Web Site: www.k4sv.com
Gary is 54 years old, married to Joy and has three daughters: Heather, Andrea, and Chrissy (KB9VAL). He retired from 23 years of full time family practice in Greenfield Indiana in 2003 and worked three months as a GP physician in Queensland Australia and is now running a limited family practice. Gary was licensed as a Novice in 1969 and re-entered ham radio in 1991 and is interested in DXing, contesting, and DXpeditions. He operates mainly SSB and occasional digital modes from 160 meters to 70 cm, and has operated as VP5/K9SG, V31SG, VK4GST, PJ2/K9SG and is on the DXCC honor roll. He is a member of the Caribbean Contesting Consortium and enjoys operating from the PJ2T station whenever possible. His most fulfilling ham radio experience was supervising an ARISS QSO between astronaut Frank Culbertson and eighteen students at Greenfield Central High School using the high school satellite ham radio station to make the contact. Other interests include computers, presenting ham radio talks, diabetic education, and community service.
"Joining the Peter I DXpedition is truly the ultimate thrill and challenge of a lifetime". says newest team member Wayne Starnes, KU4V. Wayne has been DXing and contesting since 1977 and is a member of the Carolina DX Association (CDXA), and a Life member of ARRL.
Wayne has operated many VHF and HF contests with the CDXA crew. In 1983, Wayne operated with the CDXA team at CN8CX during the ARRL International DX contest. That is when he first experienced the thrill and challenge of being on the "other end" of the pile up.
Wayne has been in the Information Technology industry for over 35 years as a Systems Programmer and Network Administrator, and brings important IT skills to the DXpedition team. Wayne currently works for the State of North Carolina. He is married with two wonderful teenagers that keep him on his toes.
Wayne loves most all types of music but especially Rock-n-Roll. Inspired at a Jimi Hendrix concert many years ago, he recently has taken up guitar!
Active in DX circles with avid interests in DXpeditions and RTTY, Satellites and low band operation. Other related interests are Antennas and Towers.
N2WB has visited 44 DXCC entities. He has participated in twenty DXpeditions, including one involving “Top 20” DXCC entities, i.e. Spratly Is. He has been an operator on one of the top seven DXpeditions with the highest QSO totals. In addition, Bill has had the honor of having participated in several "TOP" DXpeditions.
He enjoys DXing and DXpeditions. Other callsigns have included: F/N2WB, HB0/N2WB, 4U1ITU, DL/N2WB, PJ4/N2WB, ISØ/N2WB, T7ØA, 5JØX, HKØ/N2WB, VP2MWB, V25WB, HH4/N2WB, ZL7C, ZL3/N2WB, J79WB, J68WB, KH9/N2WB, FG/N2WB, W4A, J75J, J6J, FG5BG, WP2Z, 9M6OO Spratly Is., KP2/N2WB, KG4WB and 9M6AAC.
Bill lives in central Florida and is a member of the Southeastern DX Club, Metro DX Club. Also the Hillview Gardens Amateur Radio Club 9M6AAC and a life member of the ARRL.
HOPE to work many of my HAM FRIENDS from the "BIG ICE CUBE"!
SEE you from PETER I ISLAND in 2006!
Bill Beyer/N2WB
George became an amateur extra class license holder in January 2003. He enjoys DX and contesting. George is a member of SEDXC, SFARES, ARRL, and ARLHS.
George owns a general contracting firm in Atlanta, Georgia specializing in restaurants/nightclubs and vintage building re-construction. George attended West Georgia as a biology/chemistry major and then went to Georgia Tech at Marietta for Industrial engineering with a management option. George holds state licenses in electrical and telecommunications.
His current hobbies are ham radio, cooking, tropical greenhouse, and computers. In past years he was very active in The National Speleological Society and participated in the discovery and mapping of many caves in the Georgia, Tennessee, and Alabama regions. Vertical pits were his favorite caving activity. He also participated in technical climbing, sky diving, back packing, and has been involved in a few rescue operations.
George lives in Atlanta, Georgia with his wife Kim. Their second home is in Lockeport, Nova Scotia. Kim is from the Shetland Islands and Sept Iles, Québec. He has two sons: George III and Shawn.
Don's wife, son, brother and mother are also hams. Don is also a private pilot and likes to work aeronautical mobile whenever he flies.
Bob was first licensed in 1997 and is active in his local community with amateur radio. He lives in North County, San Diego, California on a seven-acre avocado ranch in the community of Rainbow/Fallbrook. Bob is 55 years old and a general partner in a commercial real estate development firm. His most recent Dx adventure includes operating as EW/N60X in Belarus while visiting his friend Andy EU7SA. A relative newcomer to the world of Dxing, Bob says "I am looking forward to being part of the team on Peter I. It is a great opportunity for a newcomer to be able to participate in a DXpedition of this magnitude. And besides, how could you pass up a summer vacation in the Antarctic?".
He is a member of the Northern California DX Foundation, the Southern California DX Club, the San Diego DX club and a life member of the ARRL.
Carlos is 58 years old and was born in Santiago, Chile. He is a biochemist, holding a PhD in Biochemistry from Baylor College of Medicine (Houston, Texas). He has over 58 scientific publications and five US patents. He left Chile over 30 years ago. He lived for three years in San Juan, Puerto Rico, where he was licensed with his present Extra class (NP4IW). In addition, he holds a "Superior" class in Chile (XQ3AQI). He was one of the organizers (with KK6EK) of the 1995 Easter Island/Salas y Gómez expedition. He personally led the expedition to Salas y Gómez (XRØZ) resulting in a new IOTA (SA-083). He was one of the organizers of the 1997 Heard Island (VKØIR) expedition. He was the prime organizer and expedition leader for the 2002 San Félix expedition (XRØX).
Radio active since 1983 and was able to turn his radio hobby into his work.
He is working for the United Nations (World Food Programme) as telecom specialist and is travelling around the globe for the most of the year.
This gave him the opportunity to be active as YI/PA5M, 9U5M, ST2DX, TZ6M, 5U7DX, TY5M, 9N7M. During his sporadic stay at the office in Dubai, he's able to activate A61AJ.
In the Dubai office ham radio is wide available: ON6TT, SM7PKK, ON5NT, HB9AMO.
Robert is 43 years old and lives in Warsaw, Poland. Licensed in 1993, he likes DXing and Contesting mostly on SSB. He is a member of PZK. Married to Agnieszka (Agnes) and they have three sons: Lukas, Matthew and John. He is the owner of printing factory. Robert was a member of FT5XO Kerguelen Island Dxpedition in 2005.
Andy, age 40, lives in Moscow, Russia. First licensed in 1980, holder of DXCC HR, only P5 missing, DXCC 160 m (150 confirmed), 5BWAZ, 5BDXCC.
CQ magazine awards check point for EU Russia. Member of A52A, 4J1FM, KH4/AH0W, K7K, K4M Dxpeditions, P3A contest crew, operated as TA4/UA3AB and 5B4/UA3AB.
Director of Dateline Communications (www.dateline.ru), a distributor and VAR of various wireless data equipment manufacturers. Hobbies outside hamradio include badminton and biking.
Mel is 62 years old, has been licensed since 1958 and has held the Extra Class license since 1966. He is married to Martha and is Professor Emeritus of Electronic Engineering Technology at The University of Akron in Ohio.
An active CW operator, he has amassed over 40k QSOs from various Dxpeditions.
He is a member of ARRL, QCWA and RSGB.
Mel has lived in China and Puerto Rico, has traveled to 71 DXCC entities, and has operated from 25. His previous calls are: W8KWH, KP4DFA, W7CIZ and K8KPP.
He has worked as an RF engineer for Verizon, lives in Ohio, is a Professional Engineer in Ohio, and currently does consulting as an RF engineer.
Gordon was first licensed as ZE1DC in 1967 and was an avid contester and DXer, winning country and continent awards, as well as handling many pileups from Rhodesia. He has twice before been to Antarctica where he gave out thousands of QSL cards as ZS1ANT. A life member of AMSAT and ARRL, he was employed by AMSAT to work on the Phase 3B satellite.
Currently Gordon is employed as chief engineer at Alpha/Power, where his xyl Molly, WØMOM is product manager. He has two harmonics, Maria KCØJWI and Ryan, KCØJXW.
Apart from his Antarctic experience, Gordon is an ultra-distance runner, having completed 35 one-hundred-mile mountain races. He has operated 2m from the tops of over thirty of the Colorado "fourteeners".
Charles is 39 years old and claims the title "The World's Most Travelled Man". According to his website www.MostTraveledMan.com, he has visited
544 countries -- and Peter One will be Number 545.
As of today, Charles has now visited:
Website: www.mosttravelledman.com
Robert, or "Russ" as he's known to most friends, has been a commercial/industrial photographer and videographer for the past 30 years. His work has been featured in numerous magazine and trade journal advertisements, point of purchase packaging, billboards, promotional campaigns, catalogs, television and countless other advertising mediums.
During his thirty years in photography and videography, he has completed projects for a wide array of clients throughout the world, with assignments in North and South America, Europe, Asia, the Caribbean, Russia and even the North Pole. Assignments such as flying in hot air balloons over the Great Wall of China and at the geographic North Pole led to another career in adventure travel. For the past 8 years, he has taken groups to the Arctic Circle and the Pole. His only experience with short wave radios was earlier this year when he assisted a non-profit medical group to install antennas and short wave equipment in five remote areas in the Amazon jungle.
"I am looking forward to this expedition to Peter Island. I truly enjoy traveling, getting to know fellow travelers and sharing my experiences with others. If anyone has any questions about filming or photography in arctic conditions, I would be happy to help." Robert is 62 and lives in Atlanta, Georgia with his wife Ari who shares in most of his adventures.
Russ was so excited about joining a bunch of hams on Peter I that he successfully got his ham ticket three weeks before sailing! Look for KI4NFF from Peter I!
Website: www.eaglescry.com
See you all in the pile-ups!
(This photo of Charles was taken on Clipperton Island)
This adds up to 457 countries and territories, which is (as far has he knows) more than anyone else has ever visited! Charles' goal is to complete the first four lists above, while adding to the fifth list. He plans to bring all items together into a single Master List developed with the assistance of the readers of his website.
Our Pilots
Don, N1DG
Klaus, DL1XX
JA1ELY, Toshi
Lee, ZL2AL
Lance, W7GJ
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