If you've read though our site, you can see this is a HUGE undertaking -- and much care has been exercised in the planning and operator recruiting. Twenty-two people have contributed four-to-five weeks of their time and have written large personal checks in order to make this happen.
70% of the total cost of this operation will be funded by the operators themselves.
Please consider a generous contribution to this project.

We've arranged so that you can make contributions to the DXpedition via PayPal. It's free, easy, secure and you can contribute with a major credit card. AND, you don't even have to have a PayPal account to do so!
Click this button:
and follow directions; it's easy!
If you wish to contribute via snail-mail, you can print out the contribution form by using this button:

And, finally, after you've made your contribution, use the button below to acquire a piece of Peter I 3YØX memorabilia:
Would you like your contribution to be tax-deductible?
Checks from individuals for $50 or more can be made payable to the registered non-profit Northern California DX Foundation (NCDXF), and should be tax deductible (please consult your tax advisor).
All other checks should be made payable to: DX Expeditions, LLC.
Please send all North/South America contributions to:
Bob Allphin, K4UEE
4235 Blackland Dr
Marietta, GA 30067-4705
to email Bob.
Please send all Europe/Africa contributions to:
Gerard F. Jacot, F2JD
Le Grand Revard
Boucle de l'Observatoire
73100 Pugny-Chatenod
to email Gerard.
Please send all Asia contributions to:
Toshi, JA1ELY
Toshikazu Kusano
PO Box 8
Kamata, Tokyo 144-8691
to email Toshi.
Please send all ZL/VK/Pacific contributions to:
Lee, ZL2AL
L.F. Jennings
203 Beresford Street
Hastings 4201
New Zealand
to email Lee.
This page designed and maintained by W4GKF.
Your comments and input are always welcome
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