These are some photos of Ham friends:
In 1979 a team of thirteen Southeastern DX Club members along with eight others operated from VP2KC and won the CQ WW SSB Contest in the multi-multi category by posting the all-time record high score for this contest. This picture shows part of that team accepting the winner's plaque at the 1981 DXPO convention in Atlanta. (L toR) Hugh Valentine N4RJ, Mike Greenway K4PI Elliot (Kit) Carson VP2KC; Bill Barr N4NX & Wayne Mueller W4LVM; Kit and Wayne are now SKs. Click HERE for more on this operation.

The Southeastern DX Club hosted the national DXPO convention in 1981. The legendary Gus Browning, W4BPD (now a Silent Key) was the honored guest. Left to right are Stew K4SMX, Gus and me. There is a nice feature story on Gus in the ARRL DXCC Yearbook 2004 titled "Remembering Mr Radio".

Jim Lawson W2PV, whose Yagi studies set standards in parasitic antenna designs that still hold today, was a guest speaker at DXPO 1981. Jim (now a Silent Key) also owned one of the first World Class Contest Stations. Here is Stew K4SMX, Jim and me:

Here I am being presented with the Southeastern DX Club Hall of Fame Plaque by N4RJ at the annual Club Banquet in 1994. Click HERE to see the list of all SEDXC Hall of Fame members.

Left to Right: N4NX, N4RJ Hugh, UW9AR Willy & N2AA Gene at Dayton Hospitality room a few years ago.

Here I am with VR6TC, Tom Christian of Pitcairn Island fame:

This one is me with VK9NS, Jim Smith (now a Silent Key):

Picture taken at the W9DXCC meeting, Chicago 2002; L-R: Jani YBØUS, Bob N2OO, Beth KF2BQ and me:

Some of the SEDXC gang at the 2004 Dayton Hamvention; L-R: Ken K4TEA, John W4NU, George N4GRN, N4NX, Bob K4UEE, Wes, W3WL & Dave K4SSU:

With Mayuree HS1YL (President of RAST) at the Seanet 2000 Convention in Thailand:

Paul N4PN, Tim Chen BV2A (who I met for the first time in 25 years after our first QSO) and me at the Seanet 2000 Convention. Tim is now a Silent Key:

While my wife Leah and I were on a three month tour of Southeast Asia we visited West Malaysia. We had met Rabin 9W2PD a few weeks earlier in Thailand at Seanet 2000. When we arrived at the Kuala Lumpur airport, Rabin met our flight and helped us settle into the city. Rabin is a delightful young man and he later invited us to visit his home in Port Dickson. We spent some great time with Rabin and his father Hari 9M2PD (Nice father & son call assignment). We learned much about the local culture from our most gracious hosts and had a great time as well. Here is Rabin and me:

Prior to departing for Port Dickson with Rabin we spent two days in Kuala Lumpur and Rashid 9M2RS spent almost a day showing us some of the local sights including witnessing a Hindu wedding. We had a great time thanks to Rashid. Here is Rashid and me in Kuala Lumpur:

Les KL7J and me at the 2004 Visalia Convention:

While in Visalia in 2004, we visited US Towers and the company hosted us for lunch. Here are some of the Southeastern DX Club attendees: (L to R) Jim W4TE; Bill N4NX; Harry W4KJ & Dave K4SSU:

I met Vrata OK1KT for the first time while on a visit to the Czech Republic thanks to being introduced by Tom N4XP. Vrata has since become a very good friend. Thanks to Vrata, I now hold the call of OK8NX. Vrata attended Dayton 2005. Here is a picture of Vrata and me while he was here in Georgia:

Ramon was in Atlanta for a convention so a bunch of us met for dinner; L-R: Carl WB4ZNH, Ramon YV5EED, N4NX, Dennis W4DC & Chaz W4GKF:

Me with an old friend Toshi, JA1ELY at Dayton 2006. This was our first face-to-face meeting after many QSOs over the past 30+ years:

Bernie W3UR, editor of the "Daily DX" and me the morning after Bernie spoke to the Southeastern DX Club in January 2007. My wife Leah and I enjoyed hosting Bernie at our home. I highly recommend the "Daily DX" bulletin for the avid DXer. Click here for more information.

Masa, JA1DM former director of the JARL and CQ DX Hall of Fame Member presented me with two JARL awards at Dayton 2006. This one is for confirming QSOs with 200+ cities in Japan. The other one (WAJA) was for confirming QSOs with all of the 47 administrative districts of Japan. This picture also appeared in the Summer 2006 issue of the famous "JARL News" Magazine. Click here to access the JARL home page:

N4NX presented with the #1 Top of the Honor Roll plaque by Bill Moore NC1L, ARRL DXCC Manager as Dave Patton NN1N ARRL Members & Programs Director looks on. Presented at the ARRL National convention in Huntsville AL 2007:

Here I am at the SEDCO meeting in Sevierville, TN with long time friends W4NL Lynn and KA4S Rosie:

Click HERE for more information on SEDCO. |