Stations for whom I'm the QSL Manager

    I was (and still am) the QSL manger for all of these DX calls.  I still have QSLs and logs for all of the calls and still respond to request for QSLs to this day.  The dates of the DX operations are shown with each QSL.  All of the operations except ZL4LR/A and FR7ZL/T were made by the OM/XYL Team of Martha Henson, WN4FVU and Carl Henson, WB4ZNH.  I was the manager for all of Martha's QSOs and Bob Smith, K4PHE was the QSL manager for all of Carl's QSOs.  Bob still has logs and QSLs for all of Carl's QSOs and will answer any QSL request.

March - September, 1978

February - March, 1979

October, 1980

December, 1980 - January 1981

January, 1981

January, 1982

January, 1983

February - March, 1985

October, 1987

October, 1992

October, 1992

March, 2008
October, 2010