Leah and Bill take Eurasia 2005

Looking back at Santorini from the water

A closer view - you can see all the white buildings laying like icing on top of the cliffs

Who knows what that little tiny door is for??

A rooftop café with homemade tables

Santorini is a popular cruise ship destination.  You can see why.

Personalized shrines with each gravesite, containing pictures and mementos

    A day-trip by boat to visit and learn about the volcano was great fun.  We climbed to the top of the still active volcano and felt the steam rising from some of the fumaroles in the ground and the odor of sulfur was strong.  The landscape was nearly completely barren of vegetation, though one of the islands had enough to support a herd of goats, but the geological variety was quite interesting.  Everything from jet black jagged chunks to bright red and bright yellow veined rocks.  A beautiful but eerie sight.  Afterwards, we swam from the boat to an inlet containing a hot spring where the goats came down to stare at us while we swam.

Bill feeling the hot steam rising out of a fumarole on the active volcano island.

Different colors of rock left by the volcano

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