Leah and Bill take Eurasia 2005
The Netherlands

Bill making use of the convenient outdoor restroom

Same restroom, vacant - there are four sides and it can be used simultaneously by four men.

Die Dampkring, the famous coffeeshop shown in "Ocean's Twelve"

"Smart Store" window painted with their offerings

A typical canal in Amsterdam, lined with houses and boats.

One of the five-story homes, we loved the ivy turning to its autumn colors.

A good example of the skinniness of the houses and the variety of tops on them.

More great architecture - this is an upscale shopping mall.

This shows how the ground floor is halfway underground.  You step down to go in.  Also a good view of the hoisting contraptions on the top.

Me at the little door leading into our hotel

Canal cruise boat.  This thing can take a 90 degree turn into the archway you see on its left.