Bob Allphin K4UEE Adventures in Ham Radio


What folks are saying about the K1N DVD

Bob, What a thrill today I received the K1N video.  WOW it is great!  Thank you.

I got home late this evening after a long busy day and discovered the K1N video arrived today in the mail.  I could not sleep until I view your new video.

It is great.  The videography is outstanding.  The images are breathtaking.  One of my favorites scenes is of you with Jerry in the background.  It was great to see him in several shots  . What a cool guy.

I plan on showing this to our local ARC soon.  I am so pleased to add this exceptional video work to my collection.

Thank you!

Jim Shideler, W5JCS
Stillwater OK

Hi Bob,

Terrific DVD!!!  It's nice to see what's involved with the operators working the pileups.

Very Happy Holidays!!!

de WC2C - Aaron

Bob, this is a really great video (got & saw it today)!  Thank you very much!  Also very interesting informations about the story behind the dx-pedition and about all team- members.  I love it!  Hope for more DVDs like this

cu on the air,


Hi Bob,

Just got the DVD and of course I did watch it immediately.  Amazing... After 12 years of preparing...

You provided me another ATNO. Only three more to go, KH1 and KH5K and P5.

73/Andy SM6CNN

My heartiest congratulations for another superb video of a Top 10 DXpedition.  This is the best yet!  I felt I was right there working the pile-ups hearing the CW and SSB.  Thank you for producing another insightful peek into what really happens on a DXpedition.

Scott KØMD

Hi Bob,

What a GREAT dvd!!!

Was good to work you guys and much better to see the operation and all the preparation in this production.

Lot of respect from my site and I hope to work you (with your home call) soon again.

For all of the team members: Merry Christmas and good health for 2016.

Your radio Friend,


This past week while wrapping Christmas gifts I finally had the opportunity to view the new K1N - Navassa Island DXpedition 2015 DVD. The video which was produced and filmed by K4UEE, Bob Allphin, and professionally edited and narrated by KN4AQ, Gary Pearce, is 44 minutes and includes a bonus of their 2015 Hamvention presentation. The K1N team made an amazing 140K QSOs, including 36K uniques.  In my mind this is Bob’s best DXpedition video yet with excellent video content, amazing quality video and sound and fantastic narration making you feel like you are actually there on Navassa Island.  This will make an wonderful Christmas gift and fascinating club meeting presentation, whether for your DX club or your general purpose Amateur Radio club meeting.  You will definitely want to add this to your video library!


Bernie, W3UR