Logging Programs for GQP

There are a number of contest logging programs that support GQP.  Two, in fact, were written specifically and ONLY for GQP.

Note: URLs are subject to change; if you find one that doesn't work and Google is no help, let us know; in fact, let us know if you find one that's located somewhere else now.  We want this page to be an accurate resource.

SEDXC/SECC member (and georgiaqsoparty.org webmaster) Chaz W4GKF provides a free GQP logging program useful only to Georgia stations.  He's made it available at no charge on his website w4gkf.com/gqp or you can email him by clicking .  GQPLOG works in a command window in all versions of Windows, Apple OS X and Linux; it features a simple but efficient interface and is quick and easy to use.  It does NOT provide rig control.

WinGQP is a free logger written by Mike NE4S.  WinGQP is Windows based, supports WinKey2 on CW, Works In State, Out of State, DX users OK, and more.  GA Rovers can change counties on the fly.  User manuals are available at the download site.  Download from here: www.qsoparty.org

Low Cost: N3FJP has a set of programs costing as little as $7.00 for a single QSO party.  Go to n3fjp.com and select on the QSO party menu item; be sure to download the latest version!  This program has already been updated for some (minor) changes for GQP; many submitted logs use this one.  Also very Mobile/Rover friendly; be sure to download version 2.0!  Scott's program has always had the ability to produce a CABRILLO formatted file.  He has recently added the word (Cabrillo) in the file menu for "Write Submission (Cabrillo) File" to help identify how to create the correct file for the Georgia QSO Party.   You can obtain the latest version of GAQSO21 from the N3FJP.com website.  The creation date for that file will be 1/28/2013.

Free: N1MM logger is a download from HERE  It does a lot of things, be sure to get the latest update.  Thanks to the team at N1MM for a timely updates!

WriteLog: This is a very good heavy-duty contest program. costing about $30.00.   Go to writelog.com for ordering info.  See their site for the latest update.

CQ/X Log: no5w.com Windows - Good Rover/GPS - Amazing functions, supports many other events.  Chuck has updated CQ/X; be sure to get the latest version and any patches.  The latest version supports GQP.  The program is freeware!

NA Log: datomonline.com/products.html is the site.  NA costs about $65.00.  This one runs in DOS, and is frequently used in GQP.

TR Log is at trlog.com and runs in DOS.  Cost about $70.00.  A post processing action is done as a final file prep.

GenLog: At www.qsl.net/w3km is another free logger.  This is a Windows program, and is a very good logger of many events; Dave has updated this one for GQP, look for a late version...free.

SD Log: ei5di.com Windows - Free by Paul O'Kane EI5DI, has updated SD to include GQP new mults and 160m.

NEW For MAC's!! (Nov 2009) From Andrew Madsen, AC7CF. I just wanted to let you know that I've just added support for exporting Georgia QSO Party logs in Cabrillo format to my logging software, called Aether. You can find out more about it here: Aether is available for purchase for $39.


There are a great many other logging programs, some which might support GQP; but surely one of the ones above will work for you!

Your GQP Team


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