From Glenn, WØGJ
From Glenn, WØGJ
Theodolite picture of Sable QTH
From Glenn, WØGJ
Theodolite picture of Sable QTH
From Glenn, WØGJ
Theodolite picture of Sable QTH
From Glenn, WØGJ
From Glenn, WØGJ
From Glenn, WØGJ
From Glenn, WØGJ
From Glenn, WØGJ
Some of the antennas!
From Murray, WA4DAN
Operations Room
From Murray, WA4DAN
Snowing with wind today
From Glenn, WØGJ
Snowing with wind today
From Glenn, WØGJ
Operations Room
From Murray, WA4DAN
Lou & I went for a hike along the north shore to the next grid.
Looks "nice" but howling wind and drizzle along with sea spray.
From Glenn, WØGJ
Grid is documented on the Theodolite pictures. Took two steps between pictures.
From Glenn, WØGJ
We found some interesting hieroglyphics on Sable Island while walking around today!
From Murray, WA4DAN
(Click the image to see it larger and again to see it larger still)
(Click the image to see it larger and again to see it larger still)
(Click the image to see it larger and again to see it larger still)
(Click the image to see it larger and again to see it larger still)
(Click the image to see it larger and again to see it larger still)
(Click the image to see it larger and again to see it larger still)
(Click the image to see it larger and again to see it larger still)
(Click the image to see it larger and again to see it larger still)
(Click the image to see it larger and again to see it larger still)
(Click the image to see it larger and again to see it larger still)
(Click the image to see it larger and again to see it larger still)
(Click the image to see it larger and again to see it larger still)