HF Frequencies
Band | CW | SSB | FT8 | RTTY |
160 | 1.820 | | 1.836 | |
80 | 3.523 | 3.785 | 3.567 | |
60 | 5.352 | | 5.357* | |
40 | 7.023 | 7.170 | 7.056 | 7.045 |
30 | 10.108 | | 10.131 | 10.142 |
20 | 14.023 | 14.210 | 14.094 | 14.085 |
17 | 18.079 | 18.130 | 18.095 | 18.105 |
15 | 21.023 | 21.285 | 21.091 | 21.080 |
12 | 24.894 | 24.955 | 24.911 | 24.925 |
10 | 28.023 | 28.485 | 28.095 | 28.080 |
6 | 50.105 | 50.130 | 50.313 |
* Recommended 3khz bandwidth to comply with US allocation
VHF Frequencies
6 Meters:
50.313 FT8 (Three Element Innov Yagi (donated by WA1EAZ) + 500W)
2 Meters:
EME: 144.144 Q65-60A 1st (priority when moon is up) 2 X 9 element Yagi’s by DUAL + 1KW + IC-9700 + LNA
FT8: 144.174
SSB/CW: 144.205
I will be using the new Q65-60A-Pileup Mode.
Will attempt between moon passes and try to post at hams.at if internet is up.
Following along on social media and chag at the following locations:
WW2DX will be logged into the VHF-Chat Slack community in channel #cy0s-2023-dxp for live realtime VHF/EME communications (assuming working internet service).
You can join by clicking HERE.
Twitter: @ww2dx https://twitter.com/ww2dx
For more detailed EME operations, please see https://www.ww2dx.com/2020/03/24/cy0-eme-plan-2020/