CYØS Sable Island Activation planned for
March 20-30, 2023

The CYØS DXpedition team received great news on January 31st as Parks Canada - Sable Island approved the 2M EME operation from the island.  It has been many years since any EME activity has taken place from CYØ.  Lee WW2DX is the team's EME op and he is ecstatic about the official approval.  Lee is excited to be able to give so many EME DXers a new one.  Parks Canada conducted a frequency study and determined that the high-power levels on 2M EME shouldn't create a problem.

The CYØS team also provided Parks Canada with every frequency from 1.8 MHz to, and including, the Six-meter band.  All frequencies the CYØS team plans to operate were approved.  Obviously, if interference issues arise, the team will work to correct the interference.  Because of the very strict weight limits on the two aircraft, Lee has been very busy retooling the EME antenna array to minimize, as much as possible, the overall weight.  The CYØS team has been managing the weight issue, and according to our calculations, we are now under the weight limit.

Thanks again to DX Engineering for providing the low-band antenna materials and Spiderbeam for providing the 18M and 12M antenna masts.  The team will be using Yagi antennas on 10-20 Meters.  The 10, 15 and 20 meter monoband Yagis have been assembled and tested.  The Cushcraft A3WS 12/17 Yagi has been assembled and is currently being tested.  Each Yagi antenna will be placed in individual heavy duty ski bags for transport with the team to Sable.

Final preparations are underway for the CYØS DXpedition.  All team operator travel plans to Halifax, Nova Scotia, have been finalized.  Team members will arrive in Halifax on Saturday, March 18.  The team has paid Parks Canada the required deposit fee for the Visitor Quarters as well as the landing fees on the island.  Advance payment is being made to Sable Aviation and to Vision Air Services for the two aircraft chartered for the DXpedition.  All radio transceivers, power supplies, laptops, headsets, etc. are now secured in their respective Pelican cases.  All antenna construction has been completed.  The special CYØS team sweatshirts have arrived.  Weather remains cold, windy and snowy on Sable Island.

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