Poker Hierarchy-of-Hands
So, what hand beats what?
- High Card
The hand contains five unmatched cards; in this case, the Jack is the high card. If no one has a pair or higher, the hand with the highest value card wins.

- A Pair
The hand contains two cards of the same value (two-of-a-kind). It beats hands with no pair. If multiple hands have pairs, the hand with a pair of the highest value wins.

- Two Pair
The hand contains two pair

- Three-of-a-kind
The hand contains three cards of the same value (also called "Trips" or a "Set"). If multiple hands have three-of-a-kind, the hand with the highest three-of-a-kind wins.

- Straight
The hand contains five cards of contiguous values, mixed suits. If multiple hands have a straight, the hand with the highest card wins.

- Flush
The hand contains five cards of the same suit, not contiguous values. If multiple hands have a flush, the hand with the highest card wins.

- Full House
The hand contains three-of-a-kind AND a pair. If multiple hands have a full-house, the hand with the highest three-of-a-kind wins.

- Four-of-a-kind
The hand contains four-of-a-kind. If multiple hands have four-of-a-kind, the hand with the highest four-of-a-kind wins.

- Straight Flush
The hand contains five contiguous cards of the same suit. If multiple hands have a straight flush, the hand with the highest card wins.

- Royal Flush
The hand contains the 10, Jack, Queen, King and Ace of the same suit (the best hand in poker).

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