Unless you live in a cave somewhere, you’ve likely heard of the poker game called “Texas Hold'em”; each year we host a unique variant:
Here's how it works (and it's not at all about poker): We gather at our home on a Saturday in early Fall where detailed instructions are given to your team. You and your navigator complete the driving portion of the Event and end up back at our home at about 5pm with the daytime fun behind you and the evening fun just about to begin. We'll have the usual great food and great live music and everyone gets to sleep in his or her own bed (unless they get lucky…)
Each team will draw a playing card at the starting line (Don't worry, you don't have to know anything about poker to be a win the Poker Run).
Along the route there will be a number of questions you must answer. The questions serve two purposes:
There will also be three marked Checkpoints on the Run (clearly indicated in the instructions) where you will stop for a moment and draw another card.
Those five cards from qualified teams (see Item #2 above) make up the Team's poker hand. The hands will be scored based on the standard hierarchy-of-hands used in all poker games. The winning hand wins the Georgia Hold 'em trophy and gets their names inscribed on the permanent Georgia Hold'Em Trophy.
When the Teams reach the Finish line (our home), they will each have four cards.
Before dinner each qualified Team will draw its fifth and final card and we'll see who wins. In the case of a tie (very unlikely), we'll cut cards for the winner.
The Run itself is designed for no pressure and scenic fun; there are no precise time limits. Neat, huh? No speed watching, no timing, no calculations, no getting lost, no pressure.
Well, there is a tiny bit of pressure. Each Checkpoint will only be open for a fixed period of time. The Checkpoint locations will be clearly marked; you need to make it your business to be at each Checkpoint during that Checkpoint's "open" window. If you arrive before the Checkpoint opens, wait; if too late, I'm afraid you won't get a card. Tough to win with less than five cards!
We've carefully timed how long it should take you, driving sensibly, to arrive at each Checkpoint; it should be no problem if you can follow directions (snicker).
And that's how it works!