Hunters Crossing

Most of the neighborhood is internet-capable so we're using this method to get the Directory updated.  For those who are not, we'll collect the information the old-fashioned way!

It won't take five minutes to fill out the form below and it will give us the information we need for the Directory -- and perhaps provide some information about services that neighbors could use.

The information you provide will be made available only to homeowners in the neighborhood and to our Sandy Springs Police liason.

The Questionnaire

    Name: *Required
    Spouse/Partner's name:
    Address: *Required
    Daytime phone:
    Evening phone: *Required
    Fax phone:
    Mobile phone #1:
    Mobile phone #2:
    Spouse/Partner email:
    IMPORTANT: List your full E-Mail Address(es) ie:  

    Child at home #1: Birth year:
    Child at home #2: Birth year:
    Child at home #3: Birth year:
    Child at home #4: Birth year:
    Child at home #5: Birth year:
    Child at home #6: Birth year:

    Services you could offer
    to neighbors (like babysitting,
    handyman, computer help, etc.):


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Captcha Code

Click the "SUBMIT" button below to submit this form.




If you have any problems submitting your Questionnaire, click to email us about your problem.

    Note: If, after you press the "SUBMIT" button, you don't get a screen letting you
    know that your Form has been successfuly sent, fix the indicated errors and try again.