October 9, 2004
The Fifteenth (and final) Esmeralda Rally was run on October 9, 2004.
This year, I expended the most effort (ever) in trying to make the rally doable, fun and accurate. Thanks to Pete Butler, Bill Donovan, Rich Wolf, Winston Whitlock, Bill Barr and (of course) Gael for helping me with the layout/timing/measurement. And thanks to Fred & Bitsy Lennon (Rally XIV winners) for manning the Checkpoint and Finish line.
We had ten cars competing and, for perhaps a variety of reasons, only five of the cars actually finished. The others either gave up or arrived at the finish line so late that they incurred the maximum error.
Before the Rally, we were all pretty happy. Here's the group with a sign Gael made for our daughter Kristyn who was running her first Triathalon in California today:

Front row (kneeling) left to right: Pat Kaemmerling, Dave Kaemmerling, Cathy Talley, Fran Gunter, Beverly Baker, Fred Gunter, Newsom Baker
Back row: Chaz Cone, Harry Page, Linda Page, Bill Harris, Mick Harris, Robin Floyd, Ron Floyd, Gael Cone, Jim Talley, Jerry Rosenberg, Cecily Rosenberg, Richard Doughty, Stevie Doughty, George Hicks, Vicki Hicks, Bitsy Lennon, Fred Lennon.
Not pictured: Terry & Annie Edwards and Wally & Beverly White (they couldn't come to run it (smart!)) but joined us for the post-Rally party.
The Rally (and it will be the LAST Esmeralda Rally) was about 130 miles in length. It made a loop from our home up into North Georgia and back to the Finish about two miles from home. Fred & Bitsy went to the first Checkpoint to await the arrival of the cars. I came a few minutes later; the three of us stood/sat around in a light shower anxiously awaiting the first car.
And we waited.
And waited.
And.. the first car to come through was Car #7 (Ron & Robin Floyd) -- and THEY were more than a half hour later than expected. In fact, only three cars were actually seen at the Checkpoint before we closed it.
It didn't get any better. Because of the difference in expected vs. actual time at the three checkpoints and the finish I was unable to use any of the timing points in figuring the winner. And I had more than 80 hours invested in the timing/calculations portion of the preparation! Sigh...
Here are the final results:
Annie Edwards was elected to take the pictures (as usual). As soon as I get them I'll put them up here.
Congratulations to Ron and Robin Floyd!
This was the last Esmeralda Rally. It's been a good run but the pain-to-joy ratio for me (and for some of the participants) has just gotten so upside-down that I just can't do it any more.
BUT! We're going to replace the Esmeralda Rally with another contest starting in 2005. It will be fun, less stressful and MUCH easier for me to put together.
Save the date: Saturday, October 8, 2005!
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