The Twelfth Esmeralda Rally was held on October 7-8, 2000 and ended at a NEW location, the
Port Armor Resort on Lake Oconee.
We left from our traditional location at the rest area on I-85:

...and, believe it or not, Terry and Annie Edwards actually RAN the rally this year (even with Annie on crutches):

We had several "newbies" on this one; all drove C5 Corvettes:
Don and Linda Danysh
Buzz and Jackie Nielsen
Larry and Amy Stoneburner
They, like everyone else, became very familiar with this year's route.
At the end, the Inn-on-the-Green at Port Armor, everyone sat around on the verandah and rehashed the adventure:

Then, at dinner:

I announced the winners:

.. wno were Eric and Marlene Seidel:

Of special note was that Bill Donovan,

.. driving alone, placed second!
At the finish line everyone saw this:

The traditional "music after dinner" portion was great!

And here's the group photo:

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