Team Number _______
All CheckPoints will be "passage points". This means that if you see one (and you may not see them all (heh, heh, heh)), don't stop; you will be clocked as you pass. Errors in arrival time at CheckPoints are NOT cumulative. That is, each leg of the Rally stands alone -- this is to your advantage. If you have an error at CheckPoint 1, you start "clean" at that point for the next leg.
There may also be "on-your-honor" CheckPoints (unmanned) where you will be asked to record your Rally time at that point. Be sure to write down time-of-day (NOT elapsed rally time) using both minutes AND seconds at any such CheckPoints.
Penalty points are assessed as follows:
For each second EARLY at a CheckPoint 2(to discourage speeding)
For each second LATE at a CheckPoint 1
Maximum LATE penalty at a CheckPoint 300
Missing a CheckPoint 600
Missing an asked question 50
Headlights off at CheckPoint 100
Seat belts unfastened at finish or CheckPoint 500
Receipt of a citation or having an accident Disqualification
If you get lost...
If you get lost, try to rejoin the course and make allowance for time lost. If you get so hopelessly lost that you give up, open your Emergency Envelope. A map of the area is enclosed showing the final destination and the phone number. Remember that if you open the Emergency Envelope you are disqualified.
The only equipment allowed for the Rally is pencil, paper, watch, and calculator. If you have fancy rally computation equipment, leave it at home. We suggest plenty of paper and a clipboard.
Average speed
Rest stop/Free Zone
There will be an opportunity to refuel and/or drain biological tanks during the course.
Rally Rules
The following general rules are absolute:
1. Write your team number in the space provided above and on your question
2. Follow each instruction until the next one takes over.
3. Write the answers to questions asked in the spaces provided.
4. Unpaved (dirt or gravel) roads DO NOT EXIST for rally purposes.
5. Driveways, entrances to parking lots, shopping centers and so forth also do not exist for rally purposes.
These terms will be found in your rally instructions; they simply permit standard abbreviations.
cm "course marker" Used only to reassure you that you are on course. A cm can be on either side of the road unless the instruction says differently. cms are easily visible from the car. If the cm appears in quotation marks it means "sign that says" rather than the object itself. For example:
cm "Winslow Church" means "sign that says Winslow Church"
cm Winslow Church means the church itself
bear go in a direction of less than 90 degrees to your present direction of travel as, "bear left". (An alternative meaning is "large fierce animal" but we won't normally use that one on the rally).
acute a turn considerably more than 90 degrees to your present direction of travel.
Y intersection an intersection shaped like the letter "Y" where you are approaching the fork in the "Y" from the bottom leg. You can only bear right or left at a Y intersection.
T intersection an intersection shaped like the letter "T" where you are
approaching from the bottom leg. At a T intersection you
can only turn left or right.
cast means "change average speed to". Change your average
speed to the value given and maintain that speed until further
opportunity for rally purposes, an "opportunity" is a valid street or road.
For example, "turn left at the third opportunity past cm Winslow Church" would mean to turn left at the third PAVED road past the Winslow Church. Driveways, parking lot entrances and, of course, dirt or gravel roads are NOT opportunities.
Chk |
## |
Instructions |
1 |
Exit the rest area, follow I85 North. Set average speed at 60 mph. |
2 |
cm Mile Marker #114 |
3 |
Right at 1st opp (opportunity). CAST 35 |
4 |
Left at 1st opp. |
5 |
Cm Humongous shopping center under construction |
6 |
Right at 5th opp. |
7 |
Right at 2nd opp. CAST 30 |
8 |
cm Mail box #180 |
9 |
Right at Stop Sign. CAST 34 |
10 |
cm "Windridge Apartments" |
11 |
cm Jerry Brown Chevrolet |
12 |
Right @ 11th opp. |
13 |
Left @ 2nd opp. |
14 |
cm RR tracks |
15 |
Left @ 1st opp. |
16 |
Right @ 3rd opp. |
17 |
cm New Life Christian Fellowship Church of God of Prophecy |
18 |
Left @ 1st opp. CAST 41 |
19 |
cm "Brandon Ferry" |
20 |
cm "Sawnee" |
21 |
Rt @ 13th opp. |
22 |
Left @ 1st opp. |
23 |
Rt @ T. CAST 35 |
24 |
cm" Leonard's Farmers Market" |
25 |
cm "Ventura Park" |
26 |
Left @ 1st opp. CAST 40 |
27 |
Right @ stop sign. |
28 |
Left @ 4th opp. |
29 |
Left @ 3rd opp. CAST 33 |
30 |
Left @ 1st opp. |
31 |
cm "G&G Recycling Center" |
32 |
Left @ 3rd opp. |
33 |
Left @ 3rd opp. |
34 |
Left @ T. |
35 |
cm "John Deere" |
36 |
Left @ 1st opp. |
37 |
Right @ 2nd opp. CAST 43 |
38 |
cm "Sawnee Equipment" |
39 |
Left @ 4th opp. |
40 |
cm "Walnut Grove" |
41 |
Right @ 1st opp. |
42 |
Left @ 3rd opp. |
43 |
cm "Riley Court" |
44 |
Right @ 2nd opp. |
45 |
cm Concord Baptist Church |
46 |
Left acute @ 1st opp. |
47 |
cm Kings of Beasts |
48 |
cm "Dawsonville Florist" |
49 |
Right @ 1st opp. |
50 |
cm "Robinson Elementary School" |
51 |
Right @ 3rd opp. |
52 |
cm "Shoal Creek Builders Supply" |
53 |
Left @ 1st opp. |
54 |
Right @ 2nd opp. |
55 |
cm "Dahlonega 18" |
56 |
Left @ 2ndt opp. CAST 50 |
57 |
cm "Great Georgia Getaways" |
58 |
Bear right at Y |
59 |
cm Owl Town Creek CAST 35 |
60 |
Left @ 1st opp. |
61 |
Right @ traffic light. |
62 |
cm Traffic Light BEGIN FREE ZONE. Write the time of day (in HH:MM:SS format) here: _______:_______:______ |
FREE ZONE: You have 45 minutes to travel the 4 ˝ miles between here and Mile marker 14 on US 76 (the road you’re on).When you’ve rested, eaten and/or visited the rest room, come BACK down this road in the direction you came (Waffle House and Burger King on your right) and follow US 76 East. You should pass Mile Marker 14 EXACTLY 45 minutes after the time you wrote above. |
63 |
cm Mile Marker 14 END FREE ZONE CAST 45 |
64 |
Left @ 2nd opp. |
65 |
cm "Buckhorn Estates" |
66 |
Right @ 1st opp. |
67 |
cm "Hulsey's Machine & Tool" |
68 |
Right @ 2nd opp. |
69 |
cm Pink-ish Stucco House |
70 |
Left @ 2nd opp. CAST 55 |
71 |
cm Toccoa River |
72 |
cm Mile Marker 10 |
73 |
Left @ 1st opp CAST 45 |
74 |
cm "North GA Concrete Pottery" |
75 |
cm |
76 |
Left @ 2nd opp. |
77 |
cm "Nottley Dam" |
78 |
Left @ 3rd opp. |
79 |
cm NC State Line |
80 |
cm |
81 |
Right @ 2nd opp. CAST 50 |
82 |
cm |
83 |
Right @ 3rd Opp. CAST 45 |
84 |
cm "Wooten's Total Fitness" |
85 |
Cm |
86 |
Right @ 1st opp. |
87 |
cm |
88 |
cm |
89 |
Left @ 1st opp. |
90 |
cm |
91 |
cm "J. Truman Holmes Bridge" CAST 50 |
92 |
cm "Lake Burton" |
93 |
cm Montana State Line |
94 |
cm |
95 |
Cm |
96 |
Right @ 2nd opp. |
97 |
Left @ 1st opp. |
98 |
Turn in your instructions and your question sheet (be sure your team number is on each!)
Congratulations; you finished!