Rally Instructions, Esmeralda Rally IX

Fall, 1995

Team number: ______ 


Your church name: _____________________


Rally Rules


The following general rules apply:


1. Write your team number in the space provided above.

2. Follow each instruction until the next one takes over.

3. Write the answers to questions asked in the spaces provided.

4. Unpaved (dirt or gravel) roads DO NOT EXIST for rally purposes.

5. Driveways, dead ends, entrances to parking lots, shopping centers and so forth also do not exist for rally purposes.

6. The terms "overpass" and "underpass" are from your point of view; that is, an overpass is where another road passes OVER your course of travel.

7. When you encounter a place where a turn is possible but there’s no instruction to do so, stay on the main road you’re on.




These terms will be found in your rally instructions; they simply permit standard abbreviations.


cm "course marker" Used only to reassure you that you are on course. A cm can be on either side of the road unless the instruction says differently. Cms are easily visible from the car. If the cm appears in quotation marks it means "sign that says" rather than the object itself. For example:


cm "Winslow Church" means "sign that says Winslow Church"

cm Winslow Church means the church itself


bear go in a direction of less than 90 degrees to your present direction of travel as, "bear left". (An alternative meaning is "large fierce animal" but we won't normally use that one on the rally).


acute a turn considerably more than 90 degrees to your present direction of travel.


Y intersection an intersection shaped like the letter "Y" where you are approaching the fork in the "Y" from the bottom leg. You can only bear right or left at a Y intersection.


T intersection an intersection shaped like the letter "T" where you are approaching from the bottom leg. At a T intersection you can only turn left or right.


Terms (continued):


cast means "change average speed to". Change your average speed to

the reading given and maintain that speed until further notice.


opportunity for rally purposes, an "opportunity" is a valid street or road. For example, "turn left at the third opportunity past cm Winslow Church" would mean to turn left at the third PAVED road past the Winslow Church. Driveways, dead ends, parking lot entrances and, of course, dirt or gravel roads are NOT opportunities.



Here we GO! -- Good Luck! (and watch out for Murkling...)


_____ [ 1] Turn right; set average speed at 31.9 MPH

_____ [ 2] Left at first opportunity

_____ [ 3] Left at T.

_____ [ 4] Right at 2nd opportunity. CAST 60.4 MPH

_____ [ 5] cm "Clearance 17.0 feet"

_____ [ 6] Right at 1st opportunity

_____ [ 7] Right at stop sign.

_____ [ 8] cm Loner’s Used Cars

_____ [ 9] cm T.L Hanna High School

_____ [10] Traffic light CAST 33.3 MPH

_____ [11] Left at 5th opportunity

_____ [12] Right at 1st opportunity

_____ [13] Left at 1st opportunity

_____ [14] cm "YMCA"

_____ [15] cm "Bariatric Medicine Associates"

_____ [16] Left at 1st opportunity

_____ [17] cm "Anderson County Fair" CAST 46.3

_____ [18] cm "Cooper Motel"

_____ [19] cm Anderson Jockey Lot water tower

_____ [20] Bear left at "Y"

_____ [21] cm John Deere dealership CAST 54.3

_____ [22] cm "Dalton Ga. Carpet Warehouse"

_____ [23] Right at 6th opportunity CAST 45.2

_____ [24] Right at stop sign

_____ [25] Right at stop sign

_____ [26] cm Aunt Bee’s Restaurant

_____ [27] cm "Clock Good Food "

_____ [28] Swisstex plant

_____ [29] Left at 1st opportunity

_____ [30] Right at 1st opportunity

_____ [31] cm "York Construction, Inc."


Q: What do they sell at Orchard View? __________________________________________


_____ [32] cm stop sign

_____ [33] cm stop sign

_____ [34] Right at 1st opportunity


Q: Why can’t you go straight at instruction #34 ? ___________________________________


_____ [35] cm "Golden Strip Shrine Club"

_____ [36] Left at 2nd opportunity


Q: Who does Construction Management belong to? _______________________________


_____ [37] cm Westwood Church of God

_____ [38] Left at 4th opportunity

_____ [39] Right at 2nd opportunity CAST 61.9

_____ [40] cm Ashworth Brothers, Inc. on left

_____ [41] Right at 6th opportunity

_____ [42] cm California Dreaming restaurant

_____ [43] Right at 2nd opportunity

_____ [44] Left at traffic light CAST 48.8

_____ [45] cm Ingersoll-Dresser Pumps plant

_____ [46] cm traffic light


IMPORTANT! Write down the time of day here (like: hh:mm:ss): ______________________




The next 2.6 miles are free of controls. There are no checkpoints, questions, course markers; in short, nothing for you to do rally-wise. This would be a good time for a biology break, a quick snack or a refueling stop (if needed). Just stay on the road you’re on to the traffic light at the interesection of SC14 and US 29; no turns are required. This is a good time to obtain the item for your Rally Letter, too.


The Free Zone ends at the traffic light at the junction of SC14 and US29. Execute instruction #47 EXACTLY 20 minutes after than the time you wrote down after instrtuction #46 above.


_____ [47] Pass through the traffic light; follow US14 CAST 48.8

_____ [48] cm "Greer Animal Hospital"

_____ [49] Right acute at 3rd opportunity

_____ [50] Left at 3rd opportunity

_____ [51] Left at 1st opportunity

_____ [52] cm Wellmon Electric, Inc.


_____ [53] Q: What’s the name of the big, BIG Lady? _________________________________________


_____ [54] Q: "__________, ___________ burning bright..." (don’t get wet!)


_____ [55] cm "Gowansville"

_____ [56] Right at 1st opportunity

_____ [57] cm "Carolina Emblem Co."

_____ [58] Left at 4th opportunity

_____ [59] cm "Our Field of Dreams"

_____ [60] Left at stop sign

_____ [61] cm "Milliken"

_____ [62] cm Green Creek Volunteer Fire Department


_____ [63] Q: What size bra can you get at the Farm Supply? __________________________


_____ [64] cm Stop sign

_____ [65] cm Rutherford County line

_____ [66] Left at 2nd opportunity CAST 32.4

_____ [67] cm "Thelma’s Mountain Store"

_____ [68] cm "Rocky River Campground"

_____ [69] Left at 1st opportunity CAST 43.1

_____ [70] cm Exxon service station

_____ [71] Left at 1st opportunity

_____ [72] Left at T

_____ [73] cm Sugarloaf Baptist Church

_____ [74] cm Harry Ballard’s mailbox on right

_____ [75] Right at 1st opportunity

_____ [76] Right at 2nd opportunity

_____ [77] Right at T CAST 32.7

_____ [78] cm "Welcome to Chimney Rock"

_____ [79] Left into Esmeralda Inn parking lot FINISH!


Turn in your Emergency Envelope and these Rally instructions. Hold onto your Rally Letter item and bring it to dinner; it will be more fun if you don’t show it to anyone untill then. Congratulations on finishing the Ninth Esmeralda Rally!


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