Our Caravan to
Vettes On The Rockies (VOTR) 2006
Day 13: Thursday, July 27, 2006
Breckenridge, Colorado
Gael had a massage scheduled for this morning, so I got up when she did and drove out on Airport Road for Breckenridge's only do-it-yourself car wash. Spent a couple of hours doing a 90% detail on the CE:

.. and then we discovered that Vail isn't particularly automobile friendly. After driving around a while, we discovered that you're supposed to park at the "Transportation Center" and take a bus into town and back. We didn't find that all that appealing so we just drove the residential streets admiring what must be $2M+ homes. On one of the streets, three little girls (age 8-10) had set up a lemonade stand so we stopped and bought one (1) cup of 50¢ lemonade. They were so cute; did I take a picture? No, (dumbass!). We headed back to Breckenridge where Gael wanted to find a needlepoint shop we'd been looking for for two days. This time we found it handily.
Next we drove over to Beaver Run Resort (the Vettes On The Rockies convention HQ hotel) where I collected our registration packet, goody bag, etc. I've been to many Corvette events; this one seems to be the best-organized and smoothest run registration process in recent memory. None of the usual administrative snafu; everything was ready and the badges indicated everything you needed to know; your car number, your table number for tomorrow night's dinner and all:

This is John Gordon, one of the Colorado "Lost Boys" that we met on our Route66 trip in 2004