Chaz' National Corvette Museum Tour 98

Chaz' National Corvette Museum Tour 98

I was inspired by the fine job that Bob Larson (C5R# W0450) did with his pictures of his trip to the National Corvette Museum so I thought I'd put up the ones I took as well.  I tried not to duplicate the great pix on Bob's site. Enjoy!

Before you ask, the camera is the Sony Mavica (the one that writes .jpg images directly to a diskette inside the camera).  Resolution is only 640 x 480 and it takes five seconds between pictures and the flash is too hot but that's what you get when you're an early adopter!

Note: You'll like this layout better if you make your browser window wide enough so that all on one line
OK; I lied about not showing duplicates.
The '53 just cried out for inclusion again.
Can't have too much of a good (great) thing...
Man, the 36-year-old the interior sure
looks dated -- but 'way cool!
Here's the MAN. Zora Arkus-Duntov, the
very first Corvette Chief Engineer with the
camshaft that bears his name.
Another duplicate of one of Bob's pictures
but I have an excellent excuse.  I used to own a
'60 identical in every way to this one.  Heavy sigh.

(The fact that this one is really a '59 doesn't
bother me one bit!)
Was there ever a Corvette with a V12?
Here's proof!
Dave McLellan was Chief Engineer after Zora.
I'd look happy too if I'd had that honor for
While I was there a pewter roadster was just
crouching there waiting for its new owner, Hank
Sipsman to pick it up -- and he was a day late!

One day I hope Hank will join us in the
C5Registry; I'd love to send him this picture.
And, speaking of "Who's the MAN?", here's
the man who earned my everlasting respect by
creating (and then fighting with GM for) the look
and feel of the C5: John Cafaro

And you just know he's thinking, "I wonder how
we can keep those darned headlight cap plugs in
And the winner (and still champion) of the C5
"Who's the MAN?" contest: Corvette Chief
Engineer Dave Hill.

There's a rumor that this is NOT the life-cast
that was donated by the C5Registry to the NCM
but rather, Dave himself.  Really.  He comes to
Bowling Green every morning early, paints himself
with whitewash and stands there watching the
Museum visitors drool over his baby.  Really, it's
not a statue; its really Dave!  Really!

Thanks for a great job, Dave!

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