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Getting ready to go!

Dan located a company (Sea Expo Freight Services) whose President, Bill Murphy, elected to take on the daunting job of collecting C5s from all over the US and Canada and getting them onto a (slow) boat to Europe. Because of the time it takes to get the cars to Europe by boat, they started arriving in New Jersey in April. Bill collected them, with the help of Horseless Carriage Carriers, Inc. and packed them, two to a container, and sent them on their way.

To get my C5 to New Jersey, Buzz and Jackie Nielsen were kind enough to stop in Atlanta on their way from Florida. Buzz drove their 2000 Yellow Roadster and Jackie drove my 98 Black Targa to New Jersey! What great friends!

And there they go (sob!)

Here they are at Horseless Carriages in New Jersey.

Here are Bernie's Torch Targa and Ken's Pewter Targa ready to be loaded into their container in Toronto. From here the container was trucked to Montreal and shipped.

Here's Bruce Hendrickson's ride loading up to head to New Jersey on May 7th:

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