In what's become an annual tradition, Jack and Rae Jett hosted a bunch of Corvette-ers at their home for a barbeque on the Wednesday night before the ALMS Petit Le Mans race at Road Atlanta.
This year the race was later in the year than usual and Jack was concerned about the weather. Thankfully, God must love Corvettes too since the weather was perfect; as was the company and the food! Here are some car pix:

Since Jack lives next door to C5R driver Johnny O'Connell it's not unusual for Johnny to drop by for autographs and car chat.
This year Johnny was joined by fellow C5R drivers Andy Pilgrim, Kelly Collins and Oliver Gavin. And, as a special treat, Jack invited the Pratt-Miller guys to come by as well; Pratt-Miller Engineering builds the fantastic Corvette C5R racecars. Gary Pratt and a number of his guys came by and signed autograph after autograph. Yes, we know who really makes the cars go!
Yes, there were other people there, too:

You know it's going to be a great party when BOTH Mutt and Jeff show up:

"Andy, PLEASE let me take at least one lap in the C5R!!!"

Andy and Kelly with long-time fans and friends Buzz & Jackie Nielsen:

Ollie and Johnny O. alone (for about a microsecond...)

"Honestly, mate, I came this close to the wall!"
Here's Johnny O. with a picture of the first 2003 Anniversary Edition Convertible unveiled at the Birthday Bash in Bowling Green in April 2002. This one-of-a-kind framed photo is being donated to Johnny's charity auction to be held Friday evening at 6pm at the track.
Of course, there was autographing of hoods, caps, shirts, banners, photos, etc.:

..and did I mention FOOD!?!:

All in all a great start for what promises to be a great Petit Le Mans weekend.