If you have a C5 Corvette, Glenn Ray probably saw it before you did and almost certainly laid hands upon it before you did.

    Glenn is "half the minister" on the C5 line.  He and a partner ran the Body/Chassis Marriage station where, if you've ever taken a Corvette plant tour, your C5 actually becomes a car.  The bodies come down on an overhead conveyor and are mated (at Glenn's station) with the chassis coming along on a ground-level conveyor.

    Glenn is a very friendly guy and really understands how C5 owners feel about their cars.  The first time I was on a tour, Glenn came over and said, "98 black coupe, right?".  It took me a few seconds to realize that someone had set me up and that Glenn didn't really remember my car out of the 120,000 or so that had passed his way!

    He gave me a poem that he wrote and I thought it would be a good addition to my Corvette pages. Here it is:

    You say you want to take a ride

    We'll build you a car with a lot of pride;

    This car will give you a lot of joy

    Some consider it their favorite toy;

    The J.D. Power is our favorite test

    We will not be happy 'til we beat the rest;

    If you're a Mustang fan we'll change your mind

    Here's the car that will leave it behind;

    If Porsche is what you truly desire

    I have the car that will put out that fire;

    How many cars have their own museum

    People drive from all over to see them;

    Customers have wanted this car for years

    When they take delivery, it brings them to tears

    If you are considered a car lover

    I know the guy who paid lots to take off its first cover;

    When we first "unveiled it", it made history

    We even have our own C5 Registry;

    So, if it's a car you would like to own

    Let what's behind the wheel feel like your throne;

    And when you take it for a ride

    We can talk about this thing called pride!

    -- Glenn Ray, Author

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