Installation/Review of Top Down Technologies Window Valet™

    On February 8, 2002, Brett Paul (one of the HardCoreVettes guys) sent this email to the HardCoreVettes group:

      Hey Boys and Girls,

      I saw this on the Corvette forum and thought it was way cool!!! I will probably be purchasing one for Red in the near future!

      If anyone on here has this already, please let me know what you think.


    Being an early adopter (as I, ruefully, am), I went to the website and checked this gizmo out; and I ordered mine the same day. It came while I was in California (tiny little box). Today I saw this email from Stan Kessel on the C5Net:

      This company has some pretty neat features on their window valet for the C5. I particularly like the high speed reached display and the stuck speedometer trick. Also great for us bigger guys getting in and out of the C5!

      Stan Kessel
      Carrollton, Texas

    What are they talking about?

    It's the coolest little gadget. As you can see (and this is from their page):

    This tiny module plugs into the diagnosis jack (the OBD-II connector) beneath the steering wheel and adds functionality to your C5. It does this via the buttons on your DIC, the driver's side door unlock button and the keyfob. The module is capable of doing a number of things but the most notable is the ability to raise and lower both windows with a series of three clicks on your key fob.

    My second most favorite feature is the ability to automatically unlock both doors when you place the A4 selector in Park and/or apply the parking brake (either A4 or MN6).

    You can check out their web page for the other features. Sure, you could argue that Corvette should have provided these functions but, since they didn't, you can still have 'em for a small fee.


    I was tickled to read their installation instructions:

      1) Find the driver's side of the Corvette and open the door.

      2) Find the OBD-II connector in the center under the steering column.

      3) Note the orientation of the Window Valet™

      4) Plug it in

    That really was all there was to it! Once you've plugged it in, you can program the functions that you want. Don't be put off by the word "program" it's easy. In fact, it's much easier to do than it was for them to engineer.

    They only have the five buttons on the DIC and the Reset button to work with. They confirm various steps with audible beeps and by moving the tach needle. It's very clever.


    It works as advertised and ads some nice functionality to the C5. Try one; you'll like it!

    Chaz Cone
    C5Registry #W0526
    HardCoreVettes #60

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