David Bradley's Corsa Installation
David Bradley's Corsa Installation
March 21, 2000
And the hits just keep on comin'. Got an email today from David Bradley (C5R# Y3822); has a lift coming but just couldn't wait to install his Corsa Indy Pro Series. Could we do it this afternoon? Sure thing, come on down...
Here are David and David, Jr. What good is having a 16-year-old if you can't get 'em to install your exhaust system?

This is how David's 2000 Torch Roadster looked before we started. The logo plate came from Breathless Performance. Exhaust tips DEFINITELY need work...

The hard part is always getting the old exhaust off:

Once the old system is removed the rest is easy (since the Corsas come in two pieces.

Alignment of the tips is a piece of cake since there's only one adjustment. The new tips look (and the Indys sound) terrific!

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