C5Registry GetTogether, Rio Bravo Restaurant, Dunwoody,GA, September 1, 1998

C5Registry GetTogether

Rio Bravo Restaurant, Dunwoody,GA
September 1, 1998

So I got this email from Bill Koopman (C5R# W0668). Seems he and his fiancee, Emi (whom we met at Carlisle) were passing through Atlanta on a vacation. They were on the way from Chicago to Bowling Green and, through really lousy navigation, put Atlanta "on the way".

But, hey, you know we don't need an excuse to get together in Atlanta. The only other member I could raise on short notice was Marlene Mitchell (C5R# W0659) so we agreed to meet at (as usual) Rio Bravo, Dunwoody.

Here's the only three pix I got for some reason:
This is Bill and Emi's Pewter convertible (they can be forgiven for the body side mouldings)
This is Marlene's 97 Torch Targa with the cool B&B exhaust
And this is all of us. Left to right: Chaz, Gael (Chaz' bride), Emi, Bill and Marlene

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