December 2007

    Day 6 - Saturday, December 1, 2007

    We awoke in the harbor at St. Barts (used to be called St. Bartholomew when I was a kid).

    The ship was anchored well out in the bay so we took one of the ship's tenders into port:

    It didn't take long to recognize that Gustavia (that's the town) is 110% dedicated to upscale shopping (my favorite).  The fact that our ship was the only one here with our puny maximum of 380 guests ashore was a bit disappointing to the shopkeepers.  From our point of view, it was quite uncrowded -- a benefit.

    One of the shopkeepers told us that they sometimes have ten or eleven ships in port at the same time yielding between 10,000 and 20,000 people!  Glad we missed that!

    The town is nice with tiny cars and tiny streets:

    Since I was along, Gael bought very little; just a few consumable gifts for friends and family.

    It only takes a couple of hours to "do" St. Barts.  Walking back to the tender, we saw two massive yachts moored in the harber.  One was "Ultima III" owned by Revlon's chairman Ron Perlman.  We weren't invited aboard (Dammit!)...

    Quite impressive and well into eight figures (not counting crew and operating expenses).

    And, as well-appointed as "Navigator" is, it's nice to see that temporary repair techniques are the same, world-wide:

    In the tender on the way back to the ship, you can see just how far out the Navigator is anchored:

    Dinner tonight:

    Tonight's entertainment is a singer, Tony B., who we enjoyed earlier in the week.  At that time, he was aboard without his luggage and performed in borrowed clothing.  Tonight his clothing had caught up with him:

    He sings from the Great American Songbook and you KNOW how much we love that.  If you want to hear his music and/or buy a CD, just click Here.  We thought he was simply outstanding:

    Tomorrow, short sail to St. Maarten!

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