We owned a Millennium Yellow C5 convertible that we loved, and we showed it (along with two hot rods) in some local car shows, and the Corvette won some trophies.

However, the car was starting to need a little maintenance -- the paint had rock chips and a scratch, and the interior was a little worn.
When we learned that Advanced Automotive Technology could not only restore the paint and interior, but transform the car into a timeless classic, we jumped at the opportunity. (It turned out that we got our car in the queue just in time since Steve limited production to 200 CE's and ours is #199.)

We got the car into the AAT shop in the spring, and it was returned at the end of the summer with plenty of warm days to cruise.

We loved the '53 CE immediately, and we entered it in a local car show days after it was unloaded.

It created a good deal of interest among the judges.

We noticed that the small finlets on the tail of all the production 1953 Corvettes were normally not put on the '53 CE. We insisted that Steve put them on our car.

We added chrome to nearly every part under the hood, and, to maintain the smooth flowing line of the waterfall between the seats, we relocated the brass tag identifying the car as #199 to a spot just under the hood -- between the left wiper and the VIN tag.

We could not be happier with the 1953 Commemorative Edition. It is the perfect Corvette.

The CE was in the university homecoming parade as the entry for Sigma Tau Delta, the English club. The theme of homecoming was "Celebrating Superheroes," and Wonder Woman ran around the car chasing several Comma

The pile of rough-hewn South Dakota quartzite in the background is an interesting contrast to the smooth, flowing lines of the Corvette.

The immoveable brick wall of a bank symbolizes the strong, solid foundation of the modern Corvette beneath the wonderful sylized body.

In August, 2012, we entered the Corvette in a car show at Prairie Village, South Dakota. It was in a class with modern cars -- including two Mustang GT 500 convertibles. Our Corvette won first place in the class:

The flags are sold by Eckler's, and they fit into the convertible top brackets and tehy are great for parades and carshows:

Watch this space!