Hi Everyone in the 1953 CE Corvette group! I am elated to find this website and want to thank Chaz for keeping this going for all these years!
Car #76 is alive and well. I bought the car at a small car show in Fountain Hills three years ago. The car has 52,300 miles on it and it is the most fun car I have ever owned!
I retired from the Air Force / Air National Guard with 34 years of service in 2010. I also retired from Delta Air Lines (pilot) in August of 2019 with 34 years of service. We built our dream home in Fountain Hills, Arizona. We love our retired life!
When I saw car #76 for sale I knew I had to own the car. Once I saw that it was placarded as car #76 I felt it was a sign. I graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1976 so having car #76 is very special to me (see the photo of my license plate).
I only drive the car to car shows so it is only adding about 1,000 miles each year. The car is always the star of whatever show I attend. I love this car!
I have thoroughly enjoyed reading about all the other cars and the owners. Please keep the site up to date so we can see where each car continues to find loving homes. If any owners find themselves in the Phoenix, Arizona area please get in touch with me by clicking
. I look forward to hearing from or meeting other owners.