Chaz & Gael Cone -- Atlanta, Georgia
Home to AATCars for a wee Facelift..
September 3, 2004
While visiting the National Corvette Museum for their Ten Year birthday celebration over Labor Day 2004, I mentioned to Steve and Steven Pasteiner that building one-off showcars to be lovingly hauled from show-to-show (their main business) is far different from building cars that will be driven on the roads of America, some for great distances. For example, we drove 3,000+ miles on our Route 66 adventure with Buzz and Jackie Nielsen in their CE#12.
No matter how careful you are, there will be nicks and chips and other damage (more about this later) when you drive on roads used by other people. They already knew that and have a service available to CE owners to "refresh" their cars!
That's right; you can deliver the car back to them in Rochester Hills, MI and they will go over and and make it like new again for a reasonable fee. Glad to know they're thinking ahead of us owners!
I told them I'd wait until Fall and take advantage of this process. After it gets cold, there's not much call for a convertible until Spring so they could take their time and fit the project in among new customer builds.
Turns out I waited until Fall all right; Fall 2005!
November 20, 2005
With winter looming, I opened the issue with the guys again and they said, "Sure, bring her on up!"
I decided I didn't want to add insult to injury by driving the CE from Georgia to Michigan (Michigan roads = UGH!) so I asked for advice on a hauler. The guys put me in touch with Michelle Marinaro (Marinaro Transport; gotta get her a website) who lives in New Port Richey, FL -- when she's not hauling one-car-at-a-time all over the country. I contacted her by cellphone (the only way to do so!) and she agreed to pick up CE#11 in Atlanta and deliver her to the boys at AAT Cars in Rochester Hills, MI.
November 22, 2005
Sure enough, Michelle and her partner Amy arrived at about 5pm today and loaded CE#11 up and drove away.
Sorry about the lousy quality of the photos; it was dusk and I didn't have my tripod. I just can't hand-hold the camera at 1/8th sec any more.
That's Michelle on the right and Amy on the left. You can see while I (with great respect) call them "The Haulin' Babes"! I found out later that they prefer "Trucker Girlz"...
I gave them the car and the hauling fee and off they went. It was only later that I thought about the fact that she has my car and my money and she's gone! No worries..
November 23, 2005
Got an email from Steven saying the car was just delivered this afternoon (less than 24 hours after the Girlz picked it up!) As Steve put it, I can no longer say the CE hasn't been driven in the snow!:
Did you notice that as part of the refresh I asked them to remove the Freedom Stripe from the driver side front fender? 
..and that Michelle and Amy are going to pick her up tomorrow morning!
February 10, 2006
Yep! Sure enough they arrived at AAT Cars and loaded her up:
Tomorrow I'll have the CE back; and just in time, too, as we just brought home our new Machine Silver C6 to keep the Black 98 Coupe and the CE company. Click HERE for our C6 story.
February 11, 2006
I was sound asleep (I have the worst cold of the century) when Gael woke me at 8:30a saying "The Girlz are here!" I looked out the window and, sure enough:

Scrambling into my jeans I went out front (it's raining of course):
 Amy on the left, Michelle on the right..   With the lovely Michelle at the controls..
.. and into the garage (which Gael thoughtfully vacated by removing her Caddy to the street):

And, finally, a proper photo of the "Trucker Girlz":

After a short visit (I'm trying to convince them to get a website), off they went back to Florida (after a detour to Alabama to pick up a car). These ladies are a class act and I heartily recommend them for an enclosed haul!
Well, the CE is back home; the next adventure is driving out to Vettes On The Rockies (VOTR) in July with Buzz and Jackie in CE#12 and Ron and Robin Floyd in their C5 Z06. More later..
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