I was first licensed at my parent's QTH (Fitzgerald, GA) in 1956 at age 15. My first call was Kn4KZP then K4KZP in 1957. I upgraded to Extra Class in 1977 and requested and received my current call of N4NX. I hated to give up my 20- year-old call of K4KZP but it was a TERRIBLE call to have on both phone and CW!
Although I enjoy many facets of Ham Radio, DXing is my real love. I am at the TOP of the DXCC Honor Roll with a total of 357 countries. I also am at the TOP of the Phone Honor Roll with 357 and on the CW Honor Roll with 352 (only need P5 to reach TOP on CW). Check out my other awards by clicking HERE.
My wife Leah and I are avid travelers. We have visited more than seventy different countries and I have operated while in nine of them. Our most recent trip was in 2006 to both Australia & New Zealand. Click HERE to see trip write-up and pictures from our 2005 trip to Turkey, Greece (Includes Dodecanese & Crete), Belgium, The Netherlands & France
I'm active in the Southeastern DX Club and have served in several officer positions over the years. I operate all modes and all bands -- but my favorite mode is CW.
Click HERE to see all my Amateur Radio QSL cards for my station.
Click HERE to see the DX stations for whom I manage QSLs.
Click HERE to see QSLs from the countries where I've operated.
Click HERE to see all my Amateur Radio auto license plates -- since 1963!
Click to see photos with some Ham Radio friends
to contact me.
73, Bill