The Hunters Crossing Neighborhood Association (chartered in 1983) exists to represent the best interests of the fifty-two families who live in the Hunters Crossing subdivision, Sandy Springs, GA.
We love our community and we're dedicated to preserving our long-term and considerable investment in our homes.
The Neighborhood Directory
One of the projects for the Association is the creation, distribution and maintenance of the Hunters Crossing Directory -- and the Winter 2012 Hunters Crossing Directory (sadly out of date) is available HERE. You'll need a username and password to access it. If you don't know what they are, call Chaz Cone at 770 394 2663, email him by clicking
or one of the HCNA officers shown below.
To view or print the Directory, click HERE or use the "Neighborhood Directory" menu tab above.
There has been an influx of new neighbors since the Directory was published, so we're renewing the project to update the Directory. All you have to do is click HERE to submit a new questionnaire - if the information has changed or if you're new to the neighborhood.
If you find any problems with the Directory, please contact Chaz at 770 394 2663, or via email by clicking
, or drop the info into his mailbox at 6900 Hunters Knoll (maybe our post-person won't destroy it!)
Latest news is found at the "News" tab above; check it often.
And, finally, you can click HERE for a map of the subdivision.
Hunters Crossing Neighborhood Association Officers:
(You can click a highlighted name to email that person)
| (404-992-8979) | President |
| (770-481-0836) | Secretary |
| (770-393-8536) | Treasurer |
| (770-350-7952) | Neighborhood Watch Coordinator |
| (770-394-2663) | Webmaster |